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Are interested in earning money online or increasing sales in your already existing business?,Then welcome to skysite,our goal is to give 100 million people control over their financial futures by giving them a way to leverage the internet to earn money,by partnering with organizations like crowdgrant we are offering you and 500 people free websites,these websites can be used as blogs to earn money for writing about news, novels and pretty much anything else,our free websites can also be used as business sites to grow your existing business by getting access to the billions of potential customers online right now
If your not interested in blogging or you don't have an existing business you could earn money directly by selling skysites, basically we provide you with links to free and paid websites,then you give those links to customers who buy a website from you. In the case of the free links your customers are sent to a website where they given a free website while the paid link charges them 3000 naira for a full stack HTML and javascript enabled website and you charge the customer as much as you want for this high quality website but include the secondary price of 3000 naira
If you would like to sign up for an account where you can access all three methods of making money on skyweb simply share this page with ten friends if yours on facebook and receive VIP access to these tools when they visit this page,then click the sign up form below to get started